33 |
Articles |
IAEA published a safety review report of ALPS treated water at Fukushima Daiichi NPS
2022.05.09 |
3,853 |
32 |
Articles |
News Articles by IAEA Regarding ALPS-Treated Water at Fukushima Daiichi
2022.03.03 |
4,098 |
31 |
Notice |
37th Korea Atomic Power Annual Conference
2022.01.27 |
4,028 |
30 |
Official Messages and Policies |
New Year’s Message for 2022 by JAIF President Arai
2022.01.25 |
3,739 |
29 |
Official Messages and Policies |
New Year’s Greeting by JAIF Chairman Imai
2022.01.25 |
3,764 |
28 |
Articles |
TEPCO Submits Application to NRA for Facilities to Deal with ALPS-Treated Water at Fukushima Daiichi
2022.01.06 |
3,739 |
27 |
Research Materials |
[Video] 2021.3.3 "The current situation at Fukushima Daiichi NPS" -From 3.11 toward the future- (ver. Mar. 2021)
2021.12.29 |
3,809 |
26 |
Notice |
The 8th East Asian Nuclear Forum
2021.12.14 |
3,795 |
25 |
Articles |
The current situation at Fukushima Daiichi NPS" -From 3.11 toward the future- (ver. Mar. 2021)
2021.11.22 |
4,282 |
24 |
Official Messages and Policies |
JAIF President’s Comments on the Sixth Strategic Energy Plan
2021.10.27 |
3,817 |
23 |
Research Materials |
IAEA publication: Energy, Electricity and Nuclear Power Estimates for the Period up to 2050
2021.09.23 |
3,833 |
22 |
Research Materials |
*UPDATE* Information about Fukushima Daiichi NPS Water Treatment
2021.07.21 |
4,062 |
21 |
Research Materials |
후쿠시마 제1원자력발전소 처리수에 관하여
2021.07.21 |
3,892 |
20 |
Research Materials |
Korea Atomic Power Annual Conference 2021 (KAP 2021) Presentation material
2021.05.24 |
4,091 |
19 |
Research Materials |
Net Zero by 2020 - A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector / IEA
2021.05.20 |
4,165 |