(Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea)
On 12th May, 2023, following the outcome of the Japan-Republic of Korea (ROK) Summit Meeting on May 7th, a briefing session to the Government of ROK was held in a hybrid format, in Seoul and online, on the current status of ALPS treated water at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS).
Mr. KAIFU Atsushi, Director General for Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Science of Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Mr. YUMOTO Keiichi, Director General for Nuclear Accident Disaster Response of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), and officials from both Ministries, Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA), and TEPCO participated from the Japanese side; and Mr. Director-General Yun Hyunsoo, Director General for Climate Change, Energy, Environmental and Scientific Affairs Bureau of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and officials from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Office for Government Policy Coordination, Ministry of Science and ICT, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, and Nuclear Safety and Security Commission attended the session from the Korean side.
[Reference] ALPS treated water is water which is processed by devices such as ALPS (Advanced Liquid Processing System) to ensure that the radioactive materials other than tritium surely meet the regulatory standards for safety. In addition, it is planned that ALPS treated water will then be sufficiently diluted before the discharges so that the concentrations of the radioactive materials including tritium will be far below the regulatory standards for safety.
Original link:
Briefing Session to the Government of the Republic of Korea on the Current Status of Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) Treated Water at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (MOFA, May 13, 2023)
Related link:
Briefing Session to the Government of the Republic of Korea on the Current Status of Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) Treated Water at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (METI, May 13, 2023)