Publication of the Report on the Dialogues between the Government of Japan and the PIF regarding Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) Treated Water at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(METI : July 31, 2023)
The Government of Japan is pleased to announce the release of a report it has prepared on its dialogue with the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) regarding the ALPS treated water from TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
1. At the meeting between Prime Minister Kishida and the PIF delegation on February 7, both sides concurred on the importance of an intensive dialogue on the discharge of ALPS treated water, and PIF leaders expressed their support for intensifying political and scientific dialogue with Japan on this matter at the PIF Special Leaders Retreat in the same month. Following the meeting, political dialogues have been held with all PIF member countries and regions. As for scientific dialogue, dialogues among experts have been held twice. Briefing sessions to the PIF Secretariat and experts have been held four times since 2022, prior to the above-mentioned dialogues.
2. This report was prepared as a summary of the dialogues with the PIF, which the Government of Japan has conducted to date, from the perspective of continuing to provide sincere explanations based on scientific evidence in a highly transparent manner to Pacific Islands countries and regions, following the release of the IAEA Comprehensive Report. Japan delivered the report [P] to each PIF member country and region as well as the PIF Secretariat, and provided explanations to them.
3. With regard to the political dialogue, the report describes that Japan has communicated its position to the PIF member countries and regions, including that “the discharge of ALPS treated water into the sea will not be allowed in a manner that endangers the lives of Japanese citizens or those of the citizens of Pacific Island countries, and adversely affects human health and the marine environment.” Regarding the scientific dialogue, the report describes the data and information provided by Japan to the PIF experts, and summarizes the respective views of the PIF experts, Japanese experts, as well as relevant IAEA reports for each of the major topics discussed.
4. The Government of Japan will continue to provide necessary information to Pacific Islands countries and regions based on scientific evidence in a highly transparent manner, and will make efforts to foster further understanding in the international community regarding the discharge of ALPS treated water.
(Reference) ALPS treated water is water which is processed by devices such as ALPS (Advanced Liquid Processing System) to ensure that the radioactive materials other than tritium surely meet the regulatory standards for safety. In addition, it is planned that ALPS treated water will then be sufficiently diluted before the discharges so that the concentrations of the radioactive materials including tritium will be far below the regulatory standards for safety.
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(METI July 26, 2023)