The IAEA Conducted Its Comprehensive Review Mission Regarding the Planned Discharge of ALPS Treated Water

  • Date 2023.06.06
  • Hit 2,857

The IAEA Conducted Its Comprehensive Review Mission Regarding the Planned Discharge of ALPS Treated Water at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (METI, June 2, 2023)

The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Task Force visited Japan to conduct a comprehensive review mission regarding the planned discharge of ALPS treated water at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) from May 29 to June 2.

From May 29 to June 2, eight IAEA officials including Mr. Gustavo Caruso, Director and Coordinator for the Fukushima ALPS project, Department of Nuclear Safety and Security of the IAEA and nine international experts (from Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, France, Republic of Korea, Russia, United States and Vietnam), visited Japan for the comprehensive review mission regarding the planned discharge of ALPS treated water from TEPCO’s FDNPS into the sea.

This IAEA review is based on the Terms of Reference (TOR) on a comprehensive framework for reviewing safety related aspects of handling ALPS treated water at FDNPS signed in July 2021 with the IAEA.

During the comprehensive review mission, IAEA officials and international experts discussed technical details regarding the safety of discharges of ALPS treated water into the sea based on the IAEA international safety standards. The overview of the meetings and the site visit to TEPCO’s FDNPS is as follows.


1. Meetings with the Government of Japan and TEPCO

IAEA had meetings with the Government of Japan and TEPCO to discuss any final issues from the individual reviews conducted to date.
The IAEA received updates and explanations based on the latest situation from the Government of Japan and TEPCO regarding (1) the review of the safety aspects of handling of ALPS treated water, and (2) the review of regulatory aspects.

The discussion during the comprehensive mission will be reflected in the comprehensive report which is expected to be issued by the IAEA in due course.

IAEA Task Force Head Coordinator Gustavo Caruso (Photo by METI)

Scene of the meeting (Photo by METI)


2. Site visit to the FDNPS

On June 2, an IAEA official and international experts visited the TEPCO’s FDNPS to conduct an on-site review of the progress of the construction work regarding the facilities for the discharge of ALPS treated water and observed the preparatory work.
Also, IAEA officials travelled to the FDNPS on May 24 and 25 to observe pre-service inspections conducted by NRA.

Related Links
ALPS portal site (METI website)

ALPS Treated Water (IAEA website)

Original Link
The IAEA Conducted Its Comprehensive Review Mission Regarding the Planned Discharge of ALPS Treated Water at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (METI, June 2, 2023)